Sunday, October 19, 2008


Sometimes being a man's wife makes you forget you are a forget that women are the strongest, funniest, smartest, best people in the world.
For sixteen years I was married to a man who found no real joy in anything we did together unless it came with an orgasm (for him) at the end of it. He would be romantic, sexy, funny and sweet and attentive and nurturing and supportive...all in pursuit of his end result.
I remember now that being in a group of good women provides a sense of unconditional support and belonging...with no motivation other than receiving the same in return...Thank you know who you are...its been a tough year, but I feel like I am coming out the other side...
In fairness, I am sure there are men out there who love a woman for who she is and not what she can do for him...I just have not met him...yet.

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