Every year I get the blues in late December and they last straight through the end of January (sometimes even longer). The devastating personal events of the past few years have done nothing to alleviate this problem, in fact, quite the opposite. This year, however, I am making a conscious effort to resist jumping into the abyss of loss and regret and instead will take an inventory of the top ten reasons I have to be grateful and happy this year.
1.God in my life (I have learned this one has to be first and it is the reason I am able to resist my past wallowing).
2.My Children and Grandchild ( a constant source of laughter and joy).
3.My Family and Friends (many of whom have saved my life at one time or another).
4.A Job to go to every day (did not have one last year, and life is better with one).
5.A warm safe inviting home (love my new home...thanks to all helped me get there).
6.My healthy body (such as it is) Chris Reeve would understand this one.
7.Music (If you don't get why, then there is no sense in explaining).
8.Writing (sometimes,if I do it just right, it is transformational).
9.Reading (see above).
10. The ability to forgive (anger is so crippling).
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