Saturday, January 23, 2010

Days 21 and 22

There is something about being sick on the couch for two days that makes me feel helpless. I have been through some hard luck these past few years...and I kept on keeping on...but somehow a simple head cold that first turned me into a mouth-breathing slug and then migrated south to my chest so that I sound like I could be one of those seals that mysteriously disappeared off Pier 39 in San Francisco, has got me crying "uncle" and calling out of work.
There is nothing more depressing for the person who is sick or the person who has to live with the person who is sick than the slack-jawed, sniffle-muffled, whining induced by a cold. OK, of course there are many things more depressing... I am exaggerating because having a cold also mutes any empathy button the coldee may possess. Somehow, all common sense runs for cover when the common cold comes a knocking. I spent the entire day on friday supine on my sofa, with my laptop, kleenex and remote within arms reach...I coughed and sneezed and whined, all while watching the TV where updates on the situation in Haiti were I insane? I have a cold...seriously...

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