Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting Started I am not the only woman in the world who got left this year...not the only 40 something whose husband decided that she was no longer the woman he loved, or even liked, for that matter. I am certainly not the only woman who was hurt and shocked by all of this...not only emotionally, but financially.
I am sure a thousand thousand women have felt what I feel right now...right this very moment...I am not alone...I know that.
But somehow, alone is exactly how I feel. And despite having three loving, sympathetic and supportive daughters, and a small circle of female friends who let me rant and rave and cry on their shoulders...a mother who shares my indignation and anger and sorrow when called on to do so...I feel completely alone.
In the past year I lost my husband to mid-life crisis, my home to the credit crisis, and my much loved sister to a crisis of spirit. The weight of all of it threatened to crush me many times, but I am just not that weak. Wallow though I may at times, it is not in my nature to drown in self-pity for too long.
This blog will be my way of working through it all...with others I hope...maybe together we can find the resiliant, self-reliant women we have maybe lost along the way, stifled perhaps, or never acknowledged...let's start from scratch...ready?


Roxie said...

Wow what a journey this has been girlfriend! I know the story personally . . .yet when I read the words I still gulp . . .

As I read the words I am struck with the thought that you are BRAVE . . . yes brave *smiles*. Many of us . . .ok ME! Wouldn't be able to write them in the first place never mind publish and share them except with my closest confidantes. I chose to supress and hide my words feeling as though if I didn't say them out loud perhaps it wouldn't hurt so bad.

I can't wait for the day when you are on the far side of this year when you wake up one morning . . . look in the mirror and see what we see when we look at you today. When the fog and the pain dissapate and you look in the mirror and recognize the beautiful face smiling back at you.

You are a captivating writer and I will love watching you grow this process!
Much love . . .

MJ Burke said...

Thankyou Roxy...I can see why Joanne adores you! Now I do too! And not just because you say terrific things about me...although it doesn't hoit!

Roxie said...

I only speak the truth . . .always!
C U Tomorrow!