Okay, I'll admit that I have never boned a duck before. But I have managed to do a lot of things in the past couple of years that I never did before...
I smelled death.
I despaired.
I fell all the way down the rabbit hole and climbed back out again.
I said goodbye to people I loved.
I found out that alone isn't lonely.
I hated someone...and forgave them anyway.
I found God.
I felt joy...really felt it...savored it...learned to live in it.
I let go of what doesn't matter.
So boning a duck...not so scary. What boning the duck is a metaphor for...that is scary. We all have something that we are good at, something that makes us unique. Living up to that whatever it is, being who we are truly meant to be...that is the challenge. It is a lot harder than boning a duck, but certainly not impossible. Just follow your own recipe, don't deviate, don't substitute fresh ingredients with the same old stale ones you are used to, be fearless, and bone that duck!
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