I need to break out of the asylum I call home for roughly 60 hours a week. Bedlam has nothing on this place. Why is it that the profession I have been in for close to twenty years is, and apparently always has been, a safe haven and refuge for all manner of miscreants, and borderline personalities?
Monday: Boss is 2 hours late for work and then proceeds to sit and nod and drool at his desk for 40 minutes.
Tuesday: Same boss has a conversation on the showroom floor that consists of expressing his surprise at the "articulate" nature of black customer's speech...the guy was from England...and thankfully had left before this cretin began his monologue that started there and moved onto the English term for cigarette and, well you can imagine.
Wednesday: Depleted sales force, like a too-often beaten dog cringes their way through the day. They lie to avoid the beating, they resist performing even the simplest of tasks lest their boss should decide to zero in their activity.
Thursday: My day off...not long enough.
Friday: Spittle in the corners of his mouth, and crumbs flying out when he speaks...please, someone save me.
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