Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 28 (lost 26 and 27 to the flu)

Sage: "Nonny what happen to your eye?"

Nonny: "...My eye?"

Sage: "Bof of em...what happened?"

Nonny: " I don't know what's wrong with them, baby. What is it?"

Sage: "They're all...wrinkly..."

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 23-25

I wish I had something witty or deep...all I have is..."pass the kleenex please."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Days 21 and 22

There is something about being sick on the couch for two days that makes me feel helpless. I have been through some hard luck these past few years...and I kept on keeping on...but somehow a simple head cold that first turned me into a mouth-breathing slug and then migrated south to my chest so that I sound like I could be one of those seals that mysteriously disappeared off Pier 39 in San Francisco, has got me crying "uncle" and calling out of work.
There is nothing more depressing for the person who is sick or the person who has to live with the person who is sick than the slack-jawed, sniffle-muffled, whining induced by a cold. OK, of course there are many things more depressing... I am exaggerating because having a cold also mutes any empathy button the coldee may possess. Somehow, all common sense runs for cover when the common cold comes a knocking. I spent the entire day on friday supine on my sofa, with my laptop, kleenex and remote within arms reach...I coughed and sneezed and whined, all while watching the TV where updates on the situation in Haiti were I insane? I have a cold...seriously...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DAY 19 review...

This blog entry was supposed to be about the special election and all the excitement and beauty of the democratic process at its finest...but enough has been said about this subject by me my beautiful 23 year old daughter trusted me enough to come to me with a problem. A big problem: one that could have devastating implications for her if she did not do the right thing...I think I did okay. She talked, I listened. I gave my opinion, but did not judge...I supported her in a choice I don't agree with, because it is her life, after all, and she must live it and learn lessons (sometimes the hard way...but I hope not)on her own.
What struck me about this encounter with my daughter was her honest appraisal of herself, the situation, and the possible consequences of her choice...when did she grow into such a... well... grown-up? I hope her groundedness serves her well in this choice she's made...if not, she knows that she has a place to turn...forever.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Democracy is or lose the process is something I will always love.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

DAY 17..."no, I am not depressed....just stupid."

Tonight as I was home alone sitting on my comfy couch with a glass of Il Bastardo watching a movie, I was suddenly aware of a tingling in my fingers and I was hyperventilating. I was not. I started to pay more attention to my body and noticed a dizzy sensation...then I smelled it...something like rubber burning I thought. It wasn't. What it was, was my car running in my garage ( my attached closed garage) for over 4 and a half hours. I opened all the windows and the garage door, then I called my daughter and then my mom...both said I should call the fire department...I did. First the cruiser showed up and the nice policeman wanted to know what had been bothering me today...ummm nothing. Then the EMT's asked if I wanted to tell them anything about what I'd done...ummm, I left my car on in the garage. The firemen ran the meter in my home a deemed it safe, and said over the radio, that "things looked normal" in there.
"Are you depressed miss?" "No, seriously...I'm just stupid."
The thing that saved me from a trip to the ER for a psych evaluation, was my still full glass of wine sitting on the coffee table in front of my paused movie...yeah maybe she is just stupid...they left me and my 6 parts per million to finish my wine.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 14 review...a bit late

Watched Inglourious Basterds today...cannot say enough about how good this film was. Tarantino is just unbelievable...Pitt's character is so over the top and played with such restraint by Pitt...and Cristoph Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa is a revelation. So good on so many levels...a must see in my book...very graphic, so its not for the faint of heart...Loved this movie! 3 thumbs way way up!

Day 15...writing excellence

As I have mentioned here before, this blog is for writing...and sometimes I will put another writer's words in here if I feel they are strung together in a particularly artful way, or, as is the case with today's entry, they do what great writing is supposed to do...move the reader, make them feel on...copied and pasted from a Yahoo article this morning...

By JONATHAN M. KATZ, Associated Press Writer Jonathan M. Katz, Associated Press Writer – Thu Jan 14, 5:10 pm ET
EDITOR'S NOTE — Jonathan M. Katz is The Associated Press' correspondent in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He filed this first-person account of the moments after Tuesday's earthquake, which has redefined tragedy for a nation that knows it all too well.


PETIONVILLE, Haiti (AP) — I was sitting on my bed surfing the Internet when I noticed silence, followed by a weird groaning sound. I figured it was a passing water truck. But funny, I thought — sounds more like an earthquake.

The house started shaking. Then it really started shaking. I walked out of my room and kneeled slowly to the undulating floor, laptop in hand, as windows, two years' worth of Haitian art and a picture of my grandfather smashed around me.

I was not hurt. Not only that, the staircase in the house where I live and work, while completely invisible behind a choking white cloud of drywall and dust, was still standing. I yelled out for Evens, the AP's all-in-one driver/translator/bodyguard here.

To my shock and delight he answered: "Let's go."

I went. Barefoot, over rocks, past a crack running the height of the house, out to the street in my underwear, first to look for a telephone to call in what had happened, then brave any aftershocks and return to the house for a chance at shoes and pants.

It's been nearly impossible to get an Internet or phone signal since then. So consider it my pure but well-founded speculation that many reports of the destruction of Port-au-Prince include a phrase like, "Haiti is no stranger to suffering."

In the wake of Tuesday's magnitude-7 earthquake, which leveled much of the Haitian capital and left perhaps tens of thousands dead, it is both an understatement and an overstatement.

Sure, Haiti is no stranger to suffering: For most people here, tragedy is more common than lunch. And yet this nation has never faced anything on such a cataclysmic scale.

Less than two years ago, the country's fourth-largest city, Gonaives, was left underwater by a limping tropical storm that would have barely disrupted traffic in Miami.

As our photographer and I came in on a raft with Brazilian soldiers, we passed bodies floating in the street. It was the third of four named storms to hit the country in the space of a month.

Barely two months later, a school fell down in the slum-and-mansion suburb of Petionville, and about 100 people died. The first sign was a noise that sounded like sirens coming from over the hill. They were the voices of screaming parents.

Here, passing a dead body in the streets after yet another storm or political coup merits little more than a passing comment about how properly the face has been covered.

Now we have to try to understand what it means that such a long history of pain pales next to the devastation wrought by 15 to 20 seconds of shaking one January afternoon.

Behind the now-bisected AP house is the same slum where that ill-fated school entered our nightmares two years ago. This time, every flimsy building had caved. The white cloud scratching my lungs hung across the horizon. And the screams were a screeching thunder.

The city is a ruin. Fuel, food and water are running in short supply. Mothers have lost their children. Children have lost their families. Entire neighborhoods are sleeping in the streets. People walk miles up and down mountains, carrying everything they own, with no real place to go.

But here is what is new: You have perhaps seen the pictures of the national palace smashed into a lurching heap over the grassy Champs de Mars. Or of the collapsed twin spires of the Notre Dame d'Haiti cathedral complex, which claimed the life of the archbishop. Or of the collapsed parliament where the senate president remained trapped Wednesday.

Imagine if nearly all the institutions in your life — flawed, but still the only ones — disappeared, all at once.

In a life where the next meal is uncertain, where the next rain may claim your home, where the next election may happen or not — where that is the normal. Think of having those institutions smashed all around you.

At the very moment when you have lost someone, perhaps many people, you loved.

The AP house, a footnote in the devastation, is an uninhabitable mess on the verge of collapse. An entire city is screaming for help. I've finally logged onto the Internet long enough to see that some of those calls will be answered, at least in some way.

But what will happen after that help, like so much here, has vanished? Will there be an after?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13...addition

I just read the first page of a book given to me by someone who is turning out to be one of the best people in my life...she gave me the book without knowing the contents, only having seen the author on TV and thinking she might speak to my situation...boy...she could not have been more right. I have been through a pretty rough couple of years, the worst part of which has been the breakup of my marriage.
Were we the happiest couple on earth? No. Did I love the man? Yes, absolutely.
The Wisdom of a Broken Heart has captured me in the first few paragraphs...if you have ever had a broken heart, read on and see if you can't recognize yourself in these words.
"This book is about how to deal with the trauma of a broken heart, the kind you experience when a romantic relationship ends. There is no other experience like this one. For many people, the devastating, obsessive nature of a broken heart is a complete surprise. You have a sense of being completely shattered, right in the middle of your chest. Discomfort takes over your body, making it feel heavy and dull or oddly light, like something that has been burned to a crisp and now floats in the air like ash. Most noticeably, heartbreak puts your own mind out of your control. You fixate on certain thoughts or events, torment yourself with unanswerable questions such as "what if?" and "how come?" and are susceptible to shocking waves of grief that flood you without any warning whatsoever, even while asleep. You can no longer count on yourself making it through a business meeting or the check out line at the supermarket without having to stifle tears.
Everyone and everything you encounter becomes a part of your heartbreak by reminding you of your loss, sadness, and shame. A colleague's casual morning greeting feels like a snooty taunt; missing the bus is testimony to your having been born under a bad sign, and every single couple in every single song, movie, and television show points out either the impossible beauty of love(if they are happy) or the inevitability of it blowing up in your face(if they're not). The whole planet mirrors your sorrow, and there is nowhere to hide. You once thought of daily events as sometimes as having to do with you, sometimes not, but now that the wall between your inner life and outer world has come down, everything becomes extremely personal and intimate. It feels like the world has turned upside down. It has.
As it turns out, you will see that this is excellent news."

Susan Piver

Day 13

This is just many times are we going to allow them to twist this to their advantage? They changed the law to prevent Mitt Romneyfrom appointing a senator when Kerry was running for President, then, they changed the law back so Deval Patrick could appoint a senator when Ted Kennedy passed ...they will delay certifying a legitimate win by Brown until after the Health Care bill is voted on?....this is too low...and not even remotely on the up and up...
Vote Brown...send them a message
See More

Day 12 review

Today was one of those days....meh. Sick and muddle brained today, the third wave of the swine may have just washed over me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 11 review: A Birthday tribute Marion J. Vincent Arsenault

Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10 review...Chicken or the Egg?

I recently made a few resolutions for the new year, one of which was to lose some weight. Nine days in to that endeavor, I am down a total of 3 lbs. I am not excited about that figure, because I have felt completely deprived during these past nine days (with the exception of Saturday and Sunday, when I indulged in two or more helpings of Doc's famous Chicken and Trees).
Part of my frustration comes in the form of a couple of friends who have recently dropped a significant amount of weight. Both people claim to have adopted healthier lifestyles, and I am sure I should try that. My daughter bought me an Ipod for Christmas to eliminate my "boring" excuse for not getting on the treadmill, conveniently located in our basement...she even tried to arrange for some heat down there. I used it one day with the benefit of tunes and enjoyed it so much I set my alarm for a repeat the next morning...I got up, threw on the sweats, and sneaks, popped on my Ipod and sat on my comfy couch and listened to music for over an hour...where is my motivation? This brings me back to my two friends, each of whom has the added push of the L word going for them...I will not embarrass either of them by naming them, but they know who they looks the same as she did twenty years ago...and the other, well I prefer him with a bit more pudge in his face, but that's just me.
So here is my problem...I need to drop some weight to feel attractive enough to get out there and possibly get me some of that L motivation, but I need the L motivation to get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning and drop some weight...circular, no ?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

DAy 9 review...postscript

If you haven't seen Across the Universe yet and you are even a mild Beatles fan, I highly recommend this celebration of all things Beatle. I watched it several times with my daughter and then again last night with friends who had never seen it was still good even on a fifth viewing...Evan Rachael Wood is beautiful and sings like an angel...I have to shrug my shoulders on the whole Marilyn Manson thing...the heart wants what the heart wants I guess.

Day 9 review..."What is truth? Is Truth Unchanging law? We all have truths, are mine the same as yours?"

Some topics are just better left undiscussed, with a mutual understanding that agreement is not ever possible. Why? Because we all have truths and none of them are exactly the same as anyone else's. Why? Ah, because people lie to themselves and misrepresent the truth, people can misconstrue even the best of intentions, people misunderstand each other, people allow emotion to rule where logic is clearly the wisest choice...why? Because we are all imperfect beings.
Agreeing to disagree is acknowledgement of our common failure. And it can save some relationships. Allowing each other the leeway to feel how they feel, regardless of whether or not we think they are right or wrong is the only means we have to co-exist without constant conflict.

Friday, January 8, 2010

23 Years Ago Today...

Twenty three years ago today my life was forever changed for the better when my daughter Sabina was born. She came into the world like she has come to live in it...easy, casually. She didn't even cry when she was born and the doctor slapped her to get her to take that first important breath. I have written about this before, many times...but she just looked at me for what seemed like an eternity when your baby is not breathing, and then she sucked in a breath and let out a cry, no drama.
Sabina's life since then has had some drama...but each experience has made her who she is today, a beautiful, grounded, loving person. Someone who knows who she is and what she needs...and did I mention that she is funny? She has the best sense of humor; a little twisted and so sarcastic...she's mine alright...
Sabina is a great mother to her own daughter...and I could not be prouder of the way she is taking the opportunity to stay home and raise this cherub. Sabina is strong, smart, and good. I love her more than mere words can convey and will always be grateful God blessed me with this beautiful gift.

DAY 7 review

Nonny: "Do you want a snack, Sage?"

Sage: "Do you have bacon?"

Nonny: laughs

Sage: "Do you, Nonny?"

Nonny: "Yes, yes I do."

Sage: "I wub bacon."

Nonny: "Okay, bacon it is."

Sage: (while munching her bacon) "Do you have eggs Nonny?"

DAY 6 review

In my endeavor to keep a daily journal in 2010, there will be some entries like this...meh

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


For as many years as I have been writing, I have been dreaming of one day holding a book written by me in my hands. I imagined the feel of the pages flipping through my hands, the weight of the thing as I held it, the know what I mean...books have a smell all their own. So today, when my book Chosen went LIVE on Kindle, I was somewhat disappointed. The experience was not as tactile as I would have heft, no smell, no flipping through the pages.
I bought my own book (another fantasy fulfilled)then a few friends did too...and I realized that I was a bonafide author...with sales! Okay, so I didn't get the cool letter from NY asking if I would accept a six figure advance and be open to selling the movie rights...But you know what? I am still a freaking author with sales!!!! Now to get folks to read and rate the book five-star which will lead to more sales...and more writing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 Kindle-ing

The message after I hit send instructed me to return to the site in 48-72 hours to see if my submission had been made available to the public...I had just transmitted four years of work in less than 30 seconds to Kindle. My book may soon be selling in about excited. I returned in 2 hours, 10 hours, 18 hours and then 24...ya so, I can write, but I have trouble with reading...48-72, I know...waiting now...waiting...waiting...if money actually starts to appear in my checking account in 60 days, I will actually be what I said I was going to be...a writer, who gets paid for writing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3

There is something so beautiful about the countryside when it is blanketed in new snow. Before the plows and soot transform the pristine loveliness into something drab and soul crushing, snow is really quite nice. Soon after my initial ooohing and ahhhing however, comes the realization that snow cannot stay everywhere it has to be moved, pushed, plowed, shovelled, brushed, blown, and scraped away. I have friends in Burlington, Vermont who were busy today with over 30 inches of the lovely white stuff...I am sure though that they ooohed and ahhhed for a moment before wishing they lived on the equator. Maybe.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 (Two Years Ago)

Two years ago today I was sitting on my sister's sofa, sharing a scotch with her grieving boyfriend. She had committed suicide on the day before Christmas and he had discovered her body on New Year's Day. I remember wishing he would go away and leave me to my own grief. I did not have it in me to comfort any one else at that moment. I had lost too much. I hurt too much. It was, it seemed, all about me.
In looking back on it, I think I was unfair to this poor man who had done nothing more than be unfortunate enough to fall in love with my sister, and care enough to go looking for her when she did not emerge from her apartment for several days.
I think about him every once in awhile...does he still live in that apartment beneath hers? Could he stay there after what she'd done. Does he ever look up the stairs that led to her door and recall how he'd climbed them and unlocked her door and opened it, not knowing, but knowing that she had done something so unspeakable?
Does someone else live there now? Does he visit them? Can he walk into those rooms without remembering her the way he found her? Has he healed? Can he love someone else and trust that they won't hurt him too?
I think about him at this time of year, and in the spring when her garden will be starting to show signs of life...does he still tend it like he did with her? I think about the look of anguish on his face when he talked about finding her body...I think about how I could have let him cry and listened to him talk for just a little longer, I could have held his hand when he reached it out to me on that couch...but I didn't. I didn't, and I am sorry for that.

2010 Day 1 Retrospective

The day began with the unusual occurrence of having slept in...8:44 to be exact. Our overnight guests were just rising and we shared a hearty breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon and waffles...this will be the last post that discusses food for awhile...If I am successful at my goal of 25lbs shed in 90 days...I will not have a great deal to talk about on that subject. After a morning of indecision, we loaded ourselves into the SUV and drove to Boston for a day at the Museum of Science...I would like to mention that one needs a degree in cartography to navigate the place...we wandered aimlessly for a good hour before finding our stride with the exhibits. A brief power nap during the Planetarium exhibit "Journey to the Edge of Space and Time" (I journeyed to slack-jawed zzzzs almost as soon as I reclined in my seat) rejuvenated me enough to get enthusiastic about the Harry Potter exhibit. If you are a fan... it is a great take, if not...its a pricey look at costumes and props.I loved it, and was reminded of a young man I know who probably did too...I am sure he's been at least once already. Two things I found amusing at the MOS...the Transparent Woman has been on display at the Museum for over 40 years...I remember going on a special field trip when she was a new arrival...she had her own room and was cutting edge technology and we 3rd graders were all a little giddy looking at the insides of her plastic breasts and reproductive system the poor old woman has a corner of the Human Body hall and she seems sort of pathetic when her organs light up. And the second amusement came in the form of a mullet...a really long really would have had to be there.
Some more indecision and hunger pangs and then off to Regina's...if you are really hungry and don't want to spend an arm and a leg...Regina's rocks. Try the eggplant rollatini...mmmmm. Two attitude-adjusting cosmos and a big salad improved my mood, but reminded me of the year end revelry the night before and my need for sleep. Headed home with my guests and fell asleep within moments of climbing into bed...all in all a great 1st day of a new decade...I was kept busy and time to remember why I hate this day...thanks to Anna, Roxanne and Gary...I love you.